Website Development

Unit Information

The purpose of this unit is to help the learner to see the potential of the web and to develop a skill set which will be highly valued by industry and commerce as well as being a useful personal skill for leisure pursuits. Web design is a skill that is becoming more and more popular as the worldwide web expands and as companies see the advantage of using browser technology for their company intranets.

The unit is designed to give a firm grounding in the concepts of web design which will help learners to progress to employment or to another educational course and to become a valued employee with key skills in their chosen employment.

To achieve this unit a learner must:
  • Understand purposes of websites and the laws and guidelines that concern their development

  • Understand the principles of multi-page website design

  • Be able to create a multiple page website.






  Unit Information



Scheme of Work

Notes &Tutorials



Books & Things
