Visual Programming

  Visual Basic Tutorial

The Listbox Control


This guide  will help you to: -  

  • Create a listbox.
  • Add and Remove items to a listbox.
  • Create a simple listbox and label application.


Creating a Listbox

       Adding Items - List Property

       AddItem Method

       RemoveItem Method

       A Simple Program

Helpdesk Exercise


List boxes are used to supply a list of options to the user. The picture below shows a listbox.

A list box is used when the user is to be presented with a fixed set of choices, to be made only from the list of items displayed.

Examples might be a list of available holiday destinations or a list of courses available from a college, or a menu list at a restaurant.

Creating a Listbox

In Visual Basic, to create a list box, double click on the toolbox icon in the toolbox.    

You can drag the resulting box into place on the form and resize it if you wish. 

There are two ways of adding items to your listbox. The first is by using the List property in the Properties window.  The second is by using code.

Adding Items - List Property

To add items to the listbox using the List property, locate the List property in the Properties window.


If you click on the little arrow button you can type in the items you want in your list.

As you can see, I have started typing in the months of the year.



Here is a picture of my listbox after adding all the months of the year.

You will notice that vertical scroll bars are added automatically if the list box is not deep enough to display all the items.


AddItem Method

To add items to a listbox using code you can use the AddItem method

Private Sub Form_Load()
List1.AddItem "January"
List1.AddItem "February"
List1.AddItem "March"
List1.AddItem "April"
List1.AddItem "May"
List1.AddItem "June"
List1.AddItem "July"
End Sub

Why don't you try adding the rest of the months using the AddItem method?

Note: List items appear in the order they were typed.  If you change the sort order to true in the Properties window by then the list will be sorted into alphabetical order. 


RemoveItem Method

To remove items from a listbox using code you can use the RemoveItem method

Private Sub Form_Load()
//add the following code after code you typed in before
List1.RemoveItem 0
List1.RemoveItem 2
End Sub

Which items do you think will be removed from the list?  Read the note below before making up your mind.

Note: List items have a property called a ListIndex.  This means that the first item in the list has a ListIndex of 0, the second item has a ListIndex of 1, and so on.  

So, in my list, the item with the ListIndex of 0 is 'January'.   The item with the ListIndex of 2 is 'March'.

To add an item to the list in a particular order just specify the ListIndex number.  I have added 'March' back into the list using the code below.

Private Sub Form_Load()
//add the following code after code you typed in before
List1.AddItem "January", 0
List1.AddItem "March", 2
End Sub

A Simple Program

Now, let's suppose I want something to happen when the user clicks on a list item. Let's add a label below the listbox that displays some sort of informational message when the user clicks on an item in the listbox.

Add a label to your form.

Now double click the listbox.  This should take you to the coding window where you should see this:

Private Sub List1_Click()
End Sub

Type in the following code:-

Private Sub List1_Click()

   If (List1.ListIndex = 0) Then
      Label1.Caption = "January is a cold month"
   End If

   If (List1.ListIndex = 1) Then
      Label1.Caption = "It sometimes snows in February"
   End If

End Sub

When you run your program you should see something similar to the picture:-

The label caption should change when you click on January and change again when you click on February.

It will not change when you click on any of the other months unless you add extra code.

The property ListIndex gives the index of the currently selected list item. So the statement...

If (List1.ListIndex = 0) a way of seeing if the currently selected list item has a ListIndex of 0.

Help Desk Exercise

It is your turn to create a listbox application.  

~Try the activity~

Activity A

Create a simple program that displays a list of common computer problems in a listbox.  Possible solutions to the problems in the list should be displayed in a label below the listbox.  See the picture below:-





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