Create Software Components 

Using Java Level 2



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   Lecture 8


Read on for an overview of some Swing containers - JPanels, JFrames, JMenus and JDialogs.

Container Basics

Swing Containers

Adding Components To Containers


Creating Panels

Nesting Panels


Menu Hierarchy

Creating Menus

Popup Menus


Creating Standard Ok Dialogs

Creating Yes/No/Cancel Dialog

Customising the Standard Dialogs


Creating Frames

Applets that Run Application


Container Basics

Containers can contain components and other containers.  You need to know about some of most useful Swing containers, how to add containers to other containers and how to add components to a container.


Swing Containers

A container is a component, which can contain other components.  Examples of Swing containers would be JPanels, JFrames, JDialogs and JApplets.  Containers help you organise placing of components.  You cannot use a component unless it is placed within a container.  A JMenu is usually considered to be a component but it can contain menu items.

Remember, all Swing components and containers start with the letter J.  

Top-Level & General Containers

JApplets, JDialogs and JFrames are examples of top-level containers.  A JPanels is a general container.  Also, an JApplet is a subclass of the Panel class.  So really a JApplet is a kind of Panel

  • JPanel

A pure container.  It is not a window; it's sole purpose is to help you organise your components.  A JPanel is a general purpose container.

  • JFrame

A fully functioning window which may contain a pull-down menu and have a border, a title and buttons for closing it.  Applications typically us a Frame.
  • JDialog

A pop-up window generally used to display message to users.  

Example: - "Are you sure you want to quit without saving?"

  • JApplet

A subclass of AppletJApplets are run by browsers just like Applets.


Note: --  When using Swing components you must import the Swing package:-

import javax.swing.*;

Most Swing programs also need to import the two main AWT packages:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

Finally, if you want to use Swing components in an applet, you need to use JApplet.  Your class declaration would be:-

public class AnApplet extends JApplet {




Adding Components to Containers

A component is placed into a container using the add method.  The syntax is:-

container.add(component or container reference);

 As an example, let's create an applet and add a JButton to to it. 

Remember a JApplet is a subclass of Panel so a JApplet is a container to which we can add components and other containers.


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class SwingApplet extends JApplet {

     public void init() {
       JButton myFirstButton = new JButton("First Button");



Let's explain the code.

The line:-

JButton myFirstButton = new JButton("First Button");

creates a new instance of a JButton which is referenced by the variable myFirstButton.  This JButton instance will have the caption "First Button".  You can name your variable something other than myFirstButton if you wish.

Now, every top-level container contains an intermediate container known as a content pane.  As a rule, the content pane of a container holds any components added to the container.  

An applet window has a content pane to which components can be added.  So the line:-


 added the JButton instance to the content pane of the applet.


Now, my HTML code for this applet is:-




<applet code="SwingApplet.class" width = 100 height = 50 > </applet>




Look at what happens to my button if I increase the size of my applet window from 100 by 50 to say to 200 by 100.


I guess my button is being drawn the exact size of the applet drawing area or content pane.

There are a few ways of controlling the size and positioning of components in a container. We shall investigate using containers within containers, in particular Panels.



Panels are convenient for organising components.  The only thing you can do with a Panel is place other components within it.  

Creating Panels

You can create a Swing  Panel as follows:-

JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();

This creates an instance of a JPanel which is referenced by the variable myPanel .

Once we have a JPanel we can add it to another container.  An applet content pane for example.  Remember, the syntax for adding components or containers to a container is:-

container.add(component or container reference);

So to add a JPanel to the content pane of an applet we would type:-


 Let's change our previous code to the following.  The changes are shown in bold font:- 


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class SwingApplet extends JApplet {

    public void init() {
       JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();
       JButton myFirstButton = new JButton("First Button");


This time a JPanel instance was created and referenced by a variable called myPanel:-

JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();

This time, the JPanel instance was added to the content pane of the applet:-  


The JButton instance referenced by myFirstButton is then added to the JPanel:-


The applet window above is set to 200 by 100.  However, now the button does not take up the whole of the applet window. 

We can add some code to see where the edges of containers are.  This will help you in later exercises.  Add the following line to the bottom of the previous init method.



Don't worry too much about what the line means.  Just notice that the borders of the JPanel are highlighted in red.

Nesting Panels

We can also nest panels - place panels within other panels. You can nest panels as many levels deep as you like.   Before we do this, let's create four more buttons and see how they arrange themselves in one panel.

Add the following code to end of the init method of your previous code.


JButton secondButton = new JButton("Second Button");

JButton thirdButton = new JButton("Third Button");

JButton fourthButton = new JButton("Fourth Button");

JButton fifthButton = new JButton("Fifth Button");

Some of the buttons are not shown.  Why is this?  Well I left the applet window size at 200 by 100.  As shown below, increasing the applet window height to 200 fixes this.

Try changing the applet window size to say 300 by 150.  Notice how the buttons are arranged now.

The default layout for a Panel is the Flow Layout.  This means components are arranged from left to right in rows.  As soon as one row is full, components are arranged along the next row.  We will be looking at Layout Managers in a future tutorial which will help us organise components in different ways.

Now let's nest some panels.  Time to start again and create some new code:-


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class NestedPanels extends JApplet {

 public void init() {
  JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();
  JPanel subPanel2 = new JPanel();
  JPanel subPanel1 = new JPanel();

  JButton myFirstButton = new JButton("First Button");
  JButton secondButton = new JButton("Second Button");
  JButton thirdButton = new JButton("Third Button");
  JButton fourthButton = new JButton("Fourth Button");
  JButton fifthButton = new JButton("Fifth Button");

  //add the main panel to the applet content pane

  myPanel.add(myFirstButton); //add first button to the main panel

  myPanel.add(subPanel1); //add a sub panel to the main panel
  myPanel.add(subPanel2); //add another sub panel to the main panel

  subPanel1.add(secondButton); //add a button to subPanel1
  subPanel1.add(thirdButton); //add a button to subPanel2
  subPanel2.add(fourthButton); //add a button to subPanel2
  subPanel2.add(fifthButton); //add a button to subPanel2


Let's add some code to the end of the init method so we can see where the borders of each panel and subpanel are.  





Let's examine the code.  An instance of a Panel was created, referenced by the variable myPanel.  Two other panel instances were created referenced by the variables subPanel1 and subPanel2.  Two buttons were added to subPanel1 and two to subPanel2myPanel was added to the content pane of the applet.  Then the JButton instance myFirstButton was added to myPanel then  subPanel1 and then subPanel2, in that order.

The order of adding containers and components to other containers is important.

~Try the activity~

Activity 8A

1. Rearrange the order of adding the subpanels to the main panel so that fourthButton and fifthButton are placed in a row above secondButton and thirdButton.

2. Resize your applet window so that all the buttons are displayed in a row.



You can add menus to both applets and applications.  There are seven menu components you need to understand:-

  • JMenuBar

  • JMenu

  • JMenuItem

  • JPopupMenu

  • JRadioButtonMenuItem

  • JCheckBoxMenuItem

  • JSeparator

Have a quick look at the menu class hierarchy below. 

Menu Hierarchy

Here is a picture of the inheritance hierarchy for the menu-related classes:

Surprisingly, it appears that JMenus and JMenuItems are kind of buttons since they inherit from the JAbstractButton class.

Creating Menus

How can you add menus to applets and applications?  First you have to create a JMenuBar instance.  A JMenuBar is a container that will hold JMenu objects.  JMenuItems can then be placed within JMenu objects.

Let's check out the differences between JMenuBars, JMenus and JMenuItems.

Well, a JMenuBar is just a horizontal container for holding the JMenu objects. Look at the applet below.  The JMenuBar holds a JMenu object labelled File and another JMenu object with the title Edit.  If you click on the File menu it will drop down to show you it's JMenuItems.  In this case there are two JMenuItems labelled New and Open.  The Edit JMenu object does not have any JMenuItems to display.

Click on each menu - one menu has menu items to display. 

Let's start you off writing the code for creating menus:-


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class Menu extends JApplet {

  public void init() {

    //create menubar object
    JMenuBar myMenuBar = new JMenuBar();

    //set the menubar into the applet window

    //create menu objects
    JMenu menuFile = new JMenu("File");
    JMenu menuEdit = new JMenu("Edit");

    //create menu items
    JMenuItem menuItemNew= new JMenuItem("New");
    JMenuItem menuItemOpen = new JMenuItem("Open");

    //add menus to menu bar  

    //add menus items to menus  

So, we can create a JMenuBar instance with a line like:-

JMenuBar myMenuBar = new JMenuBar();

 and set the JMenuBar into the applet window using:-


We can create a JMenu instance with a line like:-

JMenu menuFile = new JMenu("File");

 where the string in the parentheses will be the JMenu title; in this case "File".

To add JMenus to the JMenuBar, we just use the JMenuBar's add method, specifying the name of the JMenu we wish to add.  I.e.


To add JMenuItems to a JMenu we use the JMenu's add method, specifying the name of the JMenuItem we wish to add.  I.e.


~Now try the activity~

Activity 8B

1. Create a menu like the one below, including the separator line in the File menu and the submenu in the Insert menu.

Click on each menu.

Hint: the addSeparator method can be used to add separator lines to menus.  E.g. the line:-


would add a separator line to my menuFile menu.

Also, to create submenus, just add a menu to another menu. E.g. suppose I created two menus, one called menuInsert and the other called subMenuInsert with some menu items added.  Then the line:- 


would add the sub menu subMenuInsert to the menu menuInsert.  


Popup Menus

A popup menu is invisible until the user makes a specific mouse action, such as pressing the right mouse button over a component that is popup-enabled. The popup menu then appears under the mouse cursor.

Here is an example of a popup menu where the popup-enabled component is the applet window.  

Right-click the applet window. 

The code requires event handlers, so we will wait for the event handling tutorial to examine code that produces popup menus.


Dialogs are popup windows that are not as flexible as frames.  They are often used to display messages or for letting the user set application options and settings.  You can create simple standard dialogs using the JOptionPane class or your own dialogs by creating a custom class that inherits from the JDialog class.

Three other classes are useful - ProgressMonitor, JFileChooser and JColorChooserProgressMonitor displays a dialog that shows the progress of an operation.  JFileChooser displays a standard file choosing dialog.  JColorChooser displays a standard color choosing dialog.

Overview of Standard Dialogs

Standard dialogs supplied by the JOptionPane class are modal. This means that the user cannot supply input to any other window belonging to the application while the dialog is displayed.  A non-modal dialog allow input to other windows belonging to the application while the dialog is displayed.  You must use the JDialog class directly to create your own dialog if you want a non-modal dialog.

There are several standard dialogs you can create using the JOptionPane class.   Some of the JOptionPane methods we can use to creates different types of dialogs are listed below :-

  • OK Dialog

showMessageDialog method

  • Confirm Dialog - Yes/No/Cancel

showConfirmDialog method

  • Custom Dialog

showOptionDialog method


Creating  Standard OK Dialogs

You can create a simple OK dialog using the following method:-

showMessageDialog(component object reference, message string);

The component object reference argument inside the parentheses expects a reference to a parent, which must be a frame, an applet, a component inside a frame or applet, or null.  If you specify a frame or an applet, then the dialog will appear over the center of the frame or applet, and depend on that parent container. 

If you specify a component inside a frame or applet, then the dialog will appear over the center of that component, and depend on that component's top container. If you specify null, then the dialog is generally positioned in the center of the screen, and the dialog doesn't depend on any visible frame or applet.

The message string argument inside the parentheses expects a String.  The String will be displayed in the main area of the dialog.  

As an example, suppose my main container is an applet and I want my dialog to display the message "Twas brillig and the slithy toves".  Then I would write:-

      "Twas brillig and the slithy toves");

I have supplied a component object reference - this refers to my applet instance

I have supplied a message string - "Twas brillig and the slithy toves"

The picture below shows this dialog:-


Note: --  You can split the message over several lines by putting newline (\n) characters inside the message string. For example:

"Twas brillig \n and the slithy toves"


Now, suppose I want a bit more control over what is displayed in the title bar and over the icon that displayed.  I can use an alternative showMessageDialog constructor to the one above:-

showMessageDialog(component object reference, message string, title string, icon type);

This showMessageDialog constructor has four arguments inside the parentheses, two more than the first showMessageDialog constructor I used.

The first two arguments are the same.  The next argument title string expects a String  that will be displayed in the title bar of the dialog.  The icon type argument expects a constant value that refers to the type of icon you wish to be displayed.

Icons you can have are...

As an example, suppose my main container is an applet and I want my dialog to display the message "Did gyre and gimble in the wabe." with "Warning" displayed in the title bar and a warning icon.   Then I would write:-

    "Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.",

I have supplied a component object reference - this refers to my applet instance

I have supplied a message string - "Did gyre and gimble in the wabe."

I have supplied a title string to be used in the title bar - "Warning"

I have specified a standard icon type - JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE

The picture below shows this dialog:-

You can specify any of the four icon types using:-









    No icon displayed

Use the applet below to view the OK dialogs - each with a different icon - and the code I used to create them.

~Now try the activity~

Activity 8C

1. Create an applet that displays a simple OK dialog, with the message "My first dialog!".

2. Change the dialog so the error icon is used and the message is "My second dialog." and the title is "A dialog attempt".

    Hint: just put the code for creating a dialog into the applet's  init method. 


Creating  Yes/No/Cancel Dialogs

You can create a simple Yes/No/Cancel dialog using the following method:-

showMessageDialog(component object reference, message string);

The component object reference argument inside the parentheses expects a reference to a parent, which must be a frame, an applet, a component inside a frame or applet, or null.  

The message string argument inside the parentheses expects a String.  This String will be displayed in the main area of the dialog.  

As an example of a Yes/No/Cancel dialog, suppose my main container is an applet and I want my dialog to display the message "Would you like some more of the poem?" .  Then I would write:-

int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
     this, "Would you like some more of the poem?");

I have supplied a component object reference - this refers to my applet instance

I have supplied a message string - "Would you like some more of the poem?"

I have supplied a variable to catch which button the user clicks - int result

The picture below shows this dialog:-

You can see that by default the question icon is displayed and three buttons with Yes, No and Cancel as button captions.  

The only thing I can really specify using the simplest JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog constructor is the message I want displayed in the dialog window.

Now, suppose I want a bit more control over what is displayed in the title bar and over the icon that displayed.  I can use an alternative showConfirmDialog constructor to the one above:-

showConfirmDialog(component object reference, message string,  title string, option type, icon type);

This showConfirmDialog constructor has five arguments inside the parentheses, two more than the first showConfirmDialog constructor I used.  

The arguments specify (in order)...

  • component object reference - a reference to a parent, which must be a frame, an applet, a component inside a frame or applet, or null..

  • message string  -  a String  that will be displayed in the main area of the dialog.

  • title string  -  a String  that will be displayed in the title bar of the dialog.

  • option type -  the button combination you want 

  • icon type  - refers to the standard icon you wish to be displayed.

As an example of a Yes/No dialog without the Cancel button, suppose my main container is an applet and I want my dialog to display the message "How about even more of the poem?" with the string "A Yes/No Dialog" displayed in the title bar and buttons displaying Yes and No.  Then I would write:-

int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
    this, "How about even more of the poem?",
    "A Yes/No Dialog",

I have supplied a component object reference - this refers to my applet instance

I have supplied a message string - "How about even more of the poem?"

I have supplied a title string to be used in the title bar - "A Yes/No Dialog"

I have supplied an option type specifying the buttons - JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION

I haven't specified an icon type so the default 'question' icon will be displayed.

I have supplied a variable to catch which button the user clicks - int result

The picture below shows this dialog:-


Use the applet below to view the Confirm dialogs - each with a different icon - and the code I used to create them.

~Now try the activity~

Activity 8D

1. Create an applet that displays a simple Confirm dialog, with the standard Yes, No and Cancel buttons and the message "My first confirm dialog!".

2. Change the dialog so the warning icon is used and the message is "Do you really want to do this thing?" and the title is "A Confirm dialog attempt".

    Hint: just put the code for creating a dialog into the applet's  init method. 


Customising the Standard Dialogs

You can create a modal dialog using the following method with more specific buttons than the standard OK and Confirm dialogs using the following method:-

showOptionDialog(component object reference, message string,  title string, option type, icon type, custom icon, object[], object);

This showOptionDialog constructor has seven arguments inside the parentheses.

The arguments specify (in order)...

  • component object reference - a reference to a parent, which must be a frame, an applet, a component inside a frame or applet, or null..

  • message string  -  a String  that will be displayed in the main area of the dialog.

  • title string  -  a String  that will be displayed in the title bar of the dialog.

  • option type -  the button combination you want 

  • icon type  - refers to the standard icon you wish to be displayed.

  • custom icon - refers to a custom icon.  Specify null if you want a standard icon.

  • object[]  - normally refers to an array of Strings for the buttons.

  • object  - refers to the default button to be selected.

Use the applet below to view my custom dialog - and the code I used to create it.

You can customise the standard dialogs in various ways using the showOptionDialog method.  I will leave the subject here. 


This section is OPTIONAL.  

Only look at this if you are way ahead and up-to-date in all tutorials and exercises.


Frames allow you to create separate windows for your stand-alone applications.  You can also use frames to run your applets outside of a browser window.  I will only cover Frames  briefly since our course covers applets and not stand-alone applications.

Creating Frames

You can create Swing Frames as follows:-

JFrame myFrame = new JFrame();

This will create an invisible frame without a title in the title bar

JFrame myFrame = new JFrame("my First Frame");

This will create a frame with a title but it will still be invisible.

Presumably we want to see our frames.  To make a frame visible we have to give it a size and then we can show it.  We can do this as follows:-;

You can easily hide a frame again:-


An alternative to the show and hide methods is the setVisible method:-

myFrame.setVisible(true); //shows the frame

myFrame.setVisible(false); //hides the frame

We can specify the size of the frame using...


...which sizes the frame so that all its contents are at or above their preferred sizes.  When the pack method is used, the layout manager for the Frame is in charge of setting the size.

Alternatively we could use...

myFrame.setSize(new Dimension(int, int));

...if the layout manager doesn't set the size the way we like using the pack method.   

Note: the arguments (int, int) refer to the width and height of the application and you must put in real values or variables with int values.

Finally, we must add the code:-

myFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { 

     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){System.exit(0);} });

This adds a window listener to the frame. The listener's implementation makes the program exit when the user closes the frame. If the program didn't exit, then it would continue to run but have no visible GUI and no way of making any GUI visible.  The program would continue to take up the computer's memory.

Now, let's create a simple applet and then convert it to an application:-


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class HelloWorldGUI extends JApplet {

    public void init() {
        JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();
        JLabel myLabel = new JLabel("Hello World!");



To convert it to an application we need to make the following changes and additions to the code:-

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class HelloWorldGUI extends JFrame {

  public HelloWorldGUI() {
    JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();
    JLabel myLabel = new JLabel("Hello World!");
    JLabel myLabel2 = new JLabel("This is my first GUI application.");

  public static void main(String s[]) {

    HelloWorldGUI myFrame = new HelloWorldGUI();
    myFrame.setSize(new Dimension(200,100));

    myFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}



A picture of the application is shown below.


What does the new code do?  

Change JApplet to JFrame:  First my JApplet is changed to a JFrame, since it is now going to be an application.  That is done on the line:-

public class HelloWorldGUI extends JFrame 

Then I must get rid of the init method since that is for applets and add a constructor for the application.  That is done on the line:-

            public HelloWorldGUI()

This constructor will be run when an instance of my class HelloWorldGUI is created.  Like the original applet's init method, it creates the panels and labels.  

Add a main method:  An application must have a main method so it knows where to start running your code.  This main method creates an instance of  HelloWorldGUI and runs the HelloWorldGUI constructor.  That is done on the line:-

HelloWorldGUI myFrame = new HelloWorldGUI();

The rest of the code inside main, sizes the HelloWorldGUI instance, makes it visible and adds the window listener code.

Applets That Run Applications

Why can I only show you a picture of the application above?

Your answer should be that applications cannot be run by browsers.  

However, you could get around this by creating an applet in a browser that starts an application.  I won't go into details here because you don't know about event handling yet and there are other concerns such as applet security.  Just check it out the applet below that starts the HelloWorldGUI application.

Don't forget to close the application.

That is folks!!

Now try the Containers exercise


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